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Location: 0 Rear South Main St., Carver/Off Rochester RoadPart of Map 91-Lot 8, 9

Screenshot 2023-08-09 180117.png
  • Owner:  Oiva Hannula Cranberry Co. 

  • Volume of Earth Removed: 334,231 cubic yards estimated

  • Permit: Yes, Carver ERC permit at least January 2014 to Oct. 2021. Source: Carver ERC’s Permit.

  • list current as of 2021. At ERC meeting of March 3, 2016 ERC voted to give Hannula an “additional 130,000 cubic yards” for a “tailwater pond” upon a motion made by Chairman John Garretson, III. Motion passed unanimously. Scott Hannula represented the company at the meeting. In July 2023, Hannula was appointed to the Carver ERC.

  • Area Impacted: 20 acres

  • Claimed Reason for Mining: According to the ERC, to create a 10 acre tailwater recovery pond for cranberry agriculture. This entails mining in the groundwater to create an unlined pond that receives contaminated discharge water from cranberry bog flooding. There is no evidence available to show the promised water quality benefits of using the pond for irrigation return flows (“tailwater recovery”) for cranberry agriculture. The company obtains water from Shaw Bog Reservoir according to the Carver June 2019 “Climate Change Water Resource Vulnerability” study by Fuss and O'Neill.  14-20 acres of hills have been leveled.

  • Solar: Not Known

  • Plymouth Carver Sole Source Aquifer: Yes. Mining in the Aquifer to create ponds.

  • Wetlands and Waterways: Yes within 24 feet of wetland. See map below.

















  • Archaeological Impacts: Unknown

  • Environmental Justice Population: None found

  • Ecosystem: Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program (NHESP), BioMap

  • Taxpayer Subsidies:

    •  Grants: Yes. 


Shaded relief above shows hills on the site that have been leveled and sand removed in connection with claimed agricultural project. 

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